There are numerous approaches to play Tibia. Some people love to spend their time leveling, others are crazy about decorations, some are interested in the RPG part of the game and devote their time to collect achievements. There is also one more group consisting of the people who love to… Kill other players! This article is devoted to the PVPers in the game, as seen from the perspective of the women.
How is the female PvPing different from the PvP represented by males? Most likely it is not. The men, as well as the women, both try to give their best during battles, and moreover, they both have similar expectations towards the guild members and guild leaders. In order to prove that, we decided to ask one of the girls, Meraviglia (Kenora) about the traits that a good battle leader should have, to which she responded in the following way:
Meraviglia: It is hard to say what a leader should be like to be honest. In my opinion, a leader should not be self-concerned, he should take the benefits of his guild members as his priority and make sure his decisions don't have a negative impact on them. A good leader should also allow people to make mistakes and learn from these mistakes, so he should be understanding, but also strict when he needs to. And, most importantly, a good leader should love to play the game, enjoy it and motivate his companions.
To go further in the topic, we asked Anita Mentada (Talera) to help us find the differences between the female and male approach to PvP.
Anita Mentada: For me, PvPing as a girl is just like PvPing as a boy, the only difference is that they take advantage of the fact that you are a woman, it often makes them believe that this is what makes you “weak”. This belief is probably the reason why they are convinced that we are an “easy” target, but to be honest, the PvP of girls and boys is the same, everything depends on the game mode of each one.
Nevertheless, there are still people who believe that girls are somehow worse in Player versus Player fights than men. We asked Michi the Queen (Inabra) how to explain such conviction, and she comprehensively provided us with the answer.
Michi the Queen: Why are women perceived to be less skilled…. I had to give this some thoughts. The first reason that we all think about when we hear this question: girls are interested in different stuff than men, meaning, girls are less interested in PVP than men, and this is obvious… since we are little, even I remember at my kindergarten, we had a “creativity day” and for the boys was about mechanical stuff like opening a blender for example, and for the girls, we had bakery lessons. So since we are little we are guided to develop different types of interests and abilities (most of the time at least). And well, obviously since being good at something requires practice, and practice requires interest, I could list this reason as the first reason to answer this question.
The second reason is the fear of being criticized. When there’s a PVP action (war), leaders often say: “main chars only players who know how to defend the attack”; often women are so afraid of letting down the team, or receiving criticism that, no matter the level they are (I’ve seen girls being 700+ doing this) they re-log on a low-level character to fight and again, no practice, no perfect.
This last reason only applies to part of the women in this game, and going on from the fact of the other two above… The boyfriend factor. I’ve seen girls that play with their partners have a pattern of having even less PvP interest/skills than the women that are single in-game, and this is because most times our lovers want to protect us so much that they want to take us OUT of the action. Am I wrong? Rather than teaching us and helping us, I’ve seen boyfriends PAVORATING for us and transmitting this emotion to us, when the first thing to do PVP is to be calm in order to think!! Although, on the other hand, the most skilled women have also been known for having super-skilled boyfriends. So I do believe they play an important part in teaching them. I’ve myself, everything I know from PVP I learnt it from my ex-partner super proudly. Even with all of this said, I reckon the proportions of men and women playing good PVP in this game had changed within years. The amount of women vs men that know how to play PvP is less in quantity but I think in proportion we are about the same… say from 100 men in guild 10 know how to play GOOD PvP… against 10 women in the same guild, 1 usually knows how to play good PvP, maybe if there were more of us we would be perceived as the same?
This last reason only applies to part of the women in this game, and going on from the fact of the other two above… The boyfriend factor. I’ve seen girls that play with their partners have a pattern of having even less PvP interest/skills than the women that are single in-game, and this is because most times our lovers want to protect us so much that they want to take us OUT of the action. Am I wrong? Rather than teaching us and helping us, I’ve seen boyfriends PAVORATING for us and transmitting this emotion to us, when the first thing to do PVP is to be calm in order to think!! Although, on the other hand, the most skilled women have also been known for having super-skilled boyfriends. So I do believe they play an important part in teaching them. I’ve myself, everything I know from PVP I learnt it from my ex-partner super proudly. Even with all of this said, I reckon the proportions of men and women playing good PVP in this game had changed within years. The amount of women vs men that know how to play PvP is less in quantity but I think in proportion we are about the same… say from 100 men in guild 10 know how to play GOOD PvP… against 10 women in the same guild, 1 usually knows how to play good PvP, maybe if there were more of us we would be perceived as the same?
Mentioning that the girls do not enter wars as much as men was an interesting point made. What makes women decide to enter war guilds then? Flaak Cherry (Garnera) described for us how come she decided to start battling.
Flaak Cherry: Well, my PvP began due to the fact that like all or most of the girls in 2011, I was focused mainly on being "Charlover", back in these times, the things that caught our attention in the game were the quests, addons, photos, achievements, etc .. Being one of those girls, I then started dating a person who was involved in "war". Well, one day I decided with my real-life friend that we want to take a photo in Senja, which was the city that was barely populated, so then she decided to go AFK for a moment, and she was under my care. Suddenly, I decided to go to the South and I found a person turned into a Snake, it was something surprising for me. Well, immediately after I moved, that person quickly started moving away, which got me worried, so the first thing I thought about was my AFK friend. I didn’t know what I could do really, so I ran to her and wanted to push her to PZ, then I decided to go back to the South to take a look and I encountered many makers using Utana Vid, and then they caught me, they all rushed to kill me and I was in such shock! That awakened the “evil warrior girl” in me hahahaha! After that, I immediately decided to enter the war guild and even today I can say that I like the PvP. I consider PvP the most exciting touch that this game has! Men always like to believe that we are worse because we are women, but we prove them wrong everyday. Do not underestimate us, when it comes to PvP, we are all the same
To contrast the idea of girls not being as good at PvP as men, we asked Queen of May (Wintera) what is the part of the war she is the best at. After consulting her team she responded:
Queen of May: I do not consider myself the best player in PvP, but I have learned to do everything in a war or a fight, exiving, throwing magic walls, tanking, running respawns, but one of the most important things to learn was to give KS for hours. When I decide to KS, I take it very seriously. I usually focus on 1 target and I dedicate myself to do it for days, which I think is the most important thing in a war because in this way you can make your enemy weaker. During a fight I like to be very helpful for my team, I always try to support and take care of them in any way I can, by throwing magic walls tank mode (to win some time), or if the enemies decide to take PK, I’m trying to be the one that gives sio or use potions in Yellow Mode without fear of dying. Actually, this is what I like the most about being a mage, trying to "tank" is a very fun challenge. PvP really is what I like most about Tibia and I admire some people who are really good at it ♡
To confirm the idea of girls being equally as good as the boys, we asked Dumon Von’terryer (Talera) to describe a battle during which she felt proud of herself as a war member.
Dumon Von’terryer: Amazingly, in old PVP I had more pleasure in fighting. There was once a battle in LB with 50 people on each side, and I had to cross Liberty Bay to get to the defense spot. No one but the leader believed that I would be able to do it without dying. I ran from the front defense of LB's boat, passed a part of the team and then I reached the defense of the stone shop. As it happened when the Open-PvP words still functioned on the rules of the old PvP, doing that seemed impossible, and I did it. Even I couldn’t believe I’ll make it until I was already in the defense, but I made it!
Panicking is one of the problems that some players have to face and learn to control when they decide to join a war guild. We asked Diabah (Inabra) if she has ever had to deal with the problem herself, to which she sincerely responded
Diabah: It does happen to me sometimes that I "panic" when I am caught by surprise. The majority of the players who fight in war have their VIP list devoted to the enemies, we make special groups such as "makers and bombs" characters, so that we know when they might plan to make an attack and be ready for it, but sadly, we are not always able to predict everything and, depending on the leaders of the opposing team, we can sometimes get surprised by the PKs when we least expect it!
One aspect we have not mentioned yet is the enemies. Frequently, the relations between the members of the two war guilds are rather tense. We asked Nicolle Myst (Wintera) whether she keeps good connections with her enemies and the importance of being friendly towards your opponent.
Nicolle Myst: Actually the enemies that I encountered are a bit cruel when it comes to women. I think I have had different types of enemies: the ones who follow me everywhere until I disconnect; the ones who give me KS and also throw offends because "women are weaker and we endure less"; and the last group, the ones that only message me saying I do not know how to play or the opposite, tell me compliments and offer to join their team. Honestly though, thanks to all those enemies I think it is safe to say that I got stronger and learned how to make them shush in a classy way hahaha. I don't think it's important to be friends with enemies but I don't approve of the type of "hate" that is generated only by not belonging to the same team. Of course, I have also had friends in the enemy team, but mostly because at some point they were from my team and then they went to the opposite team. The good part of it is that they always warned me when they wanted to kill me hahaha. So I believe that partly it can be a good thing to have friends in the enemy team, and I am not trying to say it is impossible to make friends with the opponents, but personally, it has not happened to me yet.
Further in this article, we would love to share the preferences of some of the girls who are dedicated to war! Let us begin by demonstrating the answer of Giisah (Inabra), which shared her favorite and least favorite aspects of war.
Giisah: Like: the competition, the feeling of fighting against teams that think they are untouchable. The fun!
Dislike: Mixing tibia issues with real life. Teams that can’t win a fair fight because they are bad at the game and have to involve someone’s rl life to be able to win a war.
What about the best vocation for PvP? To answer this question we decided to make a poll and ask people about their favorite vocation for fighting. The results are the following:

Mila Goexp: My favorite vocation for PvPing is the elder druid, mostly because EDs can throw paralyzes, which I like a lot about that vocation
Another question that we found interesting, concerning the topic of PvP, was the characters that the players like to use to PvP, mains or makers.
The presented results prove that people are divided into two groups, The majority of the players that took part in the poll prefer fighting on main characters, whereas only 35% admitted that they fancy battling on makers.
We asked Saabrinah (Solidera) for her opinion on the matter, basing on her preferences, she provided us with an answer.
Saabrinah: I prefer fighting on main, because it can tank more, runs faster, causes more damage, etc. I will always choose to do everything with my main char, although nowadays, the attacks of makers or "bombs" are very fashionable. I use both, main and makers depending on the situation and the battle.
Last but not least, we asked Danii Delta (Firmera) a difficult question. She was meant to choose between never hunting again OR never fighting again. Thankfully, there is no need to make such drastic decisions in the game, nevertheless, we loved the answer provided by Dani!
Danii Delta: I would surely choose to never hunt anymore. Hunting can become boring after some time, in contrast to fighting, which in my opinion can never get boring.
The results of the poll on the matter have shown that players are nearly evenly divided into two groups! Some cannot imagine Tibia without the battles, whereas for the others, the hunting is the part they would not be willing to give up.
We also asked all the girls to prepare some tips for a person who wants to join the war or ameliorate their fighting skills. Summing them up, the player eager to improve his PvP should follow these steps:
-You need to like PvP and actually be interested in devoting your time to it
-Learn the PvP system of your server
-Do not use red mode if it’s not necessary
-Don’t worry about deaths, get used to them instead
-Pay attention to your leaders and what they command
-Learn how to exiva, try to remember the cities and their location on the map
-Add the most active characters of your enemies to your VIP list
-Learn the safe and dangerous areas on the respawns
-WATCH YOUR FRAGS! Once you see a red bar, you should try to lose skull. Remember it is better to die than to get red skull
-Use stone skin amulets, might rings, magic walls and energy rings (mages)
-Invest in a good set for PvP: speed set or a set that protects you from death (from SDs)
-Support your team, don’t try to be on your own
-Treat enemies the way you would want to be treated
-Create a special hotkey preset for war, don’t use the same hotkeys for PvP that you use for hunting
-If you are unsure about something, don’t be afraid of asking the more experienced guildmates
-Always try to see things positive, the enemy kills your monsters? Well, at least you are getting your charms!
-Don’t let negative comments discourage you, remember everyone started somewhere, mistakes are normal
-Remember it is meant to be entertainment for you! Have fun and don’t let it stress you out
They have also shared some approaches to practice PvP before joining war:
-PK in a small team on a random server to learn how to push, escape, use runes (mw, destroy fields etc)
-Practice on test servers
-Start with a maker if you are unsure of your abilities
-Practice tanking on the PvE arenas, box with 8 monsters and see how long you can handle, swapping rings and SSas
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