Nights last longer than usual...
You start to feel observed in the darkness...
You have the feeling you are not alone out there...
It means something... Midnight is Here!
Dear lovers of night and darkness be summoned and lured to a new adventure to join Xena...
Our beloved panther has been having memories about the old days deep in Tiquanda and she remembers food there as one of their favourite things in life, specially a dish a Djinn from Ashta'daramai gave to her once as a gift... A Djinn named Jean Pierre.
That dish is undoubtedly her favourite but we still don't know what it truly is...
So we need your help once again to create one of Jean Pierre's dishes in Real Life for Xena... But some things must be taken into consideration:
- We don't know which is Xena's favourite dish: It means any dish could be it (Not a matter of guessing)
- The dish made in Real Life must look like its version in Tibia
- You are allowed to replace ingredients, but it must be 'similar' in appearance to the original one
- The dish must be edible, not just a sprite in Real Life
- Take two (2) photos during the process and one of the final results
- Add a description on why you chose that dish
- Comment here your instagram profile and details on dish elaboration process
Technical Details:
- Upload photos to Instagram and use the hashtag #TibiaMagazine (Make sure your account is public so we can see the photos)
- Brand-new Instagram accounts are allowed, in case you don't want to use your personal account
- Follow @tibiamagazine in Instagram
Presentation quality, Appearance and Creativity will be taken into consideration to choose winners.
It starts on August 1st through August 31st.
Las noches duran más de lo normal...
Comienzas a sentirte observado en la oscuridad...
Tienes la sensación de que no estás solo ahí fuera...
Significa algo... ¡Llegó la medianoche!
Queridos amantes de la noche y la oscuridad, sean convocados y atraídos a una nueva aventura para unirse a Xena...
Nuestra querida pantera ha estado recordando los viejos tiempos en lo profundo de Tiquanda y recuerda la comida allí como una de sus cosas favoritas en la vida, especialmente un plato que un Genio de Ashta'daramai le dio una vez como regalo... Un Genio llamado Jean Pierre.
Ese plato es, sin duda, su favorito, pero todavía no sabemos lo que es realmente...
Así que necesitamos su ayuda una vez más para crear uno de los platos de Jean Pierre en la vida real (RL) para Xena... Pero hay algunas cosas que deben tenerse en cuenta:
- No sabemos cuál es el platillo favorito de Xena: significa que cualquier plato podría serlo (No es cuestión de adivinar)
- El plato hecho en RL debe verse como su versión en Tibia
- Está permitido reemplazar los ingredientes, pero debe ser 'similar' en apariencia al original
- El plato debe ser comestible, no solo un sprite en RL
- Toma dos (2) fotos durante el proceso y una de los resultados finales
- Agrega una descripción de por qué eligiste ese plato
Comienzas a sentirte observado en la oscuridad...
Tienes la sensación de que no estás solo ahí fuera...
Significa algo... ¡Llegó la medianoche!
Queridos amantes de la noche y la oscuridad, sean convocados y atraídos a una nueva aventura para unirse a Xena...
Nuestra querida pantera ha estado recordando los viejos tiempos en lo profundo de Tiquanda y recuerda la comida allí como una de sus cosas favoritas en la vida, especialmente un plato que un Genio de Ashta'daramai le dio una vez como regalo... Un Genio llamado Jean Pierre.
Ese plato es, sin duda, su favorito, pero todavía no sabemos lo que es realmente...
Así que necesitamos su ayuda una vez más para crear uno de los platos de Jean Pierre en la vida real (RL) para Xena... Pero hay algunas cosas que deben tenerse en cuenta:
- No sabemos cuál es el platillo favorito de Xena: significa que cualquier plato podría serlo (No es cuestión de adivinar)
- El plato hecho en RL debe verse como su versión en Tibia
- Está permitido reemplazar los ingredientes, pero debe ser 'similar' en apariencia al original
- El plato debe ser comestible, no solo un sprite en RL
- Toma dos (2) fotos durante el proceso y una de los resultados finales
- Agrega una descripción de por qué eligiste ese plato
- Comenta aquí tu cuenta de instagram y detalles del proceso de elaboración del plato
Detalles técnicos:
- Sube las fotos a Instagram y usa el hashtag #TibiaMagazine (Asegúrate de que tu cuenta sea pública para que podamos ver las fotos)
- Se permiten cuentas de Instagram nuevas, en caso de que no quieras usar tu cuenta personal
- Sigue a @tibiamagazine en Instagram
La calidad de presentación, Apariencia y Creatividad se tomarán en consideración para elegir los ganadores.
Comienza desde el 1 de Agosto hasta el 31 de Agosto.
Detalles técnicos:
- Sube las fotos a Instagram y usa el hashtag #TibiaMagazine (Asegúrate de que tu cuenta sea pública para que podamos ver las fotos)
- Se permiten cuentas de Instagram nuevas, en caso de que no quieras usar tu cuenta personal
- Sigue a @tibiamagazine en Instagram
La calidad de presentación, Apariencia y Creatividad se tomarán en consideración para elegir los ganadores.
Comienza desde el 1 de Agosto hasta el 31 de Agosto.
50 Comentarios
Good luck everyone!
ResponderBorrarHello, good.. =)
ResponderBorrarCan we prepare more than one dish? or its just one entry per player?
ResponderBorrarAS many as you wish, but only one per person may qualify.
BorrarInstagram: patryk_dygi
ResponderBorrarRead careflly the rules. You must fulfill all of them.
Borrarinstagram: Megan_casares
ResponderBorrarIngredients (eggs, carrots, cinnamon for spice, orange, green and white icing, flour, sugar, baking powder, cooking oil, salt)
Elaboration process details:
1.-Combined and mixed all the ingredients except of the icings in a mixing bowl and put in the oven at 350 F degrees for 30 mins, and this process was repeated 3x.
2.- After having the 3 cakes cooked. then poured and covered the cake with white icing starting from top to bottom.
3.- Made the carrot from green and orange decorative icing.
My husband and I have an instagran together, but we both like to participate, how do we proceed?
ResponderBorrarI do not want to be nosy, but it does not have to be new instagram.. you or he can create another new..
Borrarinstagram: pedro_nevs_ (all the pics are in one, just slide)
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Sacerdotisa do Orshabaal
World: Honbra
Cake: flour, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, black pepper, pink pepper, baking powder, eggs, butter, brown sugar, vanilla extract, milk and of course, carrots
Frosting: cream cheese, lemon juice, lemon skin, confectioner's sugar, butter, vanilla extract
For the lil' carrot on top, i used the tip of a regular carrot adn sculpted it, then, then, poked a hole and used blackberry tree leaves to make the leaves
Making process:
1- First, mixed the flour, the spices and the baking soda in a bowl.
2- In a separate bowl, I first mixed with a mixer the butter with the brown sugar, then added the eggs, the vanilla extract and milk.
3- Added the grated carrots to the liquids bowl and mixed.
4- Mixed both bowls together and mixed manually.
5- Poured the dough in a round baking tray and baked at a pre-heated oven at 190°C for 45 minutes.
6- For the icing, I first mixed the butter, the lemon and cream chesse, then, added the sugar until uniform.
Instagram: sonzaapaadilhaa
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Pigflake
World: Nefera
This dish was chosen because it is a specialty of mine in the kitchen, and I find it very tasty, besides being similar to the dish in Tibia. I think it will please our dear panther Xena, who will surely want to repeat the meal.
- Meat: Sausage and pork (bacon).
- Beer: replaced with water.
- Potatoes: replaced with beans.
- Onions.
- Garlic.
- Flour.
Method of preparation:
- At first the meat was cut.
- Then the onions and garlic were chopped to prepare the seasoning.
- The meats and the seasoning were placed in a pan to be fried.
- Meanwhile the beans were cooking with water until it was in the right place.
- To make the beans more consistent, a little flour was added.
- When the beans were in place, the meats and seasoning were put in the same pan to remain on the fire until ready to serve.
Instagram: adrian_ahg06
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Sarkshx
World: Nefera
- 10 Jalapeño peppers: 6 Pimientos/ Peppers
- 2 Cheese : 200 gr Queso Crema + 150 gr Parmesano / Cream Cheese + Parmesan Cheese
- 1 Troll green : 200 gr Cebollin / Cebollin
- 1 Shadow herb : 200 gr Albahaca / Basil
- 1 Vial of mead : Agua / Water
- 2 Eggs : 2 huevos / egss
Method of preparation:
- En un bowl colocar los huevos y agregrle sal al gusto / In a bowl place the eggs and select the salt to taste
- Luego cortar las hierbas lo mas finamente posible / Then cut the herbs as finely as possible
- Mezclar el queso Parmesano rayado y el queso crema con el resto de los ingredientes dentro del bowl / Mix the grated Parmesan cheese and the cream cheese with the rest of the ingredients inside the bowl
- Cortar los pimientos por la mitad a lo largo de su eje / Cut the peppers in half along their axes
- Rellenar los pimientos con la mezcla / Fill the peppers with the mixture
- Hornear a 200 °C por 10-20 min / Bake at 200 °C for 10-20 min
-Comer / Eat
Receta: Filled Jalapeno Peppers
BorrarInstagram: cadsyta
ResponderBorrarBlessed Steak ��
* 1 Ham ~ 1 corte de carne fresco
* 5 plums ~ 5 ciruelas
* 1 onion ~ 1 cebolla
* 2 beetroot ~ 2 betabeles
* 1 pumpkin ~ 1 calabaza
* 2 jalapeño peppers - 2 chiles jalapeños
El chef que preparó este platillo se inspiró en los instintos carnívoros que caracterizan al catador de su receta.
Xena espero que disfrutes tu cena ��
Primero se realiza una salsa de betabel con un poco de sal y aceite, esta mezcla se va a utilizar para marinar el corte de carne por 10 minutos. Mientras tanto se corta la cebolla en rodajas y se precalienta el sartén o asador. Ya lista la carne se coloca en el sartén junto a la cebolla y a los jalapeños. Se deja calentar 5 minutos por cada lado a fuego alto.
Para el puré, se pone a hervir la calabaza hasta que se ablande. Ya que este lista, se aplana hasta lograr una pasta amarillenta, se le agrega sal al gusto.
Para preparar las ciruelas se lavan muy bien los frutos y se van a pelar, ya listos se bañan de azúcar y se calientan en sartén de 5 a 10 minutos, esto dará un efecto de caramelo el cual es el equilibrio perfecto para endulzar nuestro platillo.
Ya listos nuestros elementos se colocan en el plato y a disfrutar!
#TibiaMagazine #Tibia #HotCuisineQuest #BlessedSteak #Xena
Instagram: RaquelFragas
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Chakaleit
World: Gentebra
Food: Roasted dragon wings
Why I chose: Tiquanda has many bats and I’m sure it brings great memories to Xena, since this food has, as main ingredients, 2 bat wings.
Ingredients: all main ingredients of the in game food (pepper finger, 2 meat in a shape of bat wing, 2 eggs, champignon mushroom, bread, parsley/powder herb. I also used as an addition other ingredients that are not in the game: tomato sauce, onion, garlic, oil, olive oil, black pepper and nutmeg.
Elaboration process details:
Bat wings:
1-Draw a bat wing in a butter paper and use it to cut the 2 piece of meat in the right shape.
2-Take a fridge and put a little bit of oil, then put the meat and fry it until you like it.
Pepper sauce:
1- Cut half of an onion and one garlic clove, put in a pan with olive oil until golden brown.
2- Cut a pepper finger and add to the pan, lastly add one cup of tomato sauce.
3- Mix everything on high heat until it boils. When it is ready, put everything in a glass bowl with a little piece of bread on the top.
Scrambled egg:
1- Slice some mushrooms and fry it with some olive oil in a fridge until golden brown.
2- Break 2 eggs in a plate and mix it using a fork and add a pinch of black pepper and nutmeg.
3- Add the mixed eggs in the fridge and mix it with the mushrooms.
4- After ready, sprinkle the parsley over the scrambled egg.
Instagram: marceltibia
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Simonr
World: Epoca
Dish: Tropical Fried Terrorbird
Tropical Fried Terrorbird is Xena's favourite dish because she is a naturally born predator! What Xena loves the most is her own prey and terrorbirds are her most common targets. Because Xena is not an usual panther but a magic one, the additional 5 magic levels certainly come in handy! Therefore, there is no better dish for Xena than the Tropical Fried Terrorbird.
- dead chicken
- 2 lemons
- 2 oranges
- 2 mangoes
- 2 coconut milk (replaced with standard milk mixed with coconut)
- stone herb (replaced with the mint leave)
Method of preparation:
First, I prepared the chicken and the fruit. Then, I put some spices on the chicken and put it on the roast for about an hour. Following on from that, I sliced the fruit and I soaked some of them in the coconut milk and then I put them inside the chicken. The remaining fruit has been used to decorate the plate. Voilà!
Instagram: bruno_okuma
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Bromksbloker
World: Gladera
I made 3 delicious dishes and I hope one of them is xena's favorite ... both are dishes with fresh white meats, coming from tiquanda, to taste those flavors xena would feel fulfilled!
_Coconut Shrimp Bake
05 Vials de Coconut Milk
05 Brown Mushrooms
05 Red Mushrooms
10 Rice Balls
10 Shrimps
*the shrimp helps the brain work well and the mushroom strengthens your immune system
__Northern Fishburger
01 Northern Pike
01 Rainbow Trout
01 Green Perch (
05 Shrimps
02 Rolls
01 Fern
*the fish meat used in this fast and delicious dish is a great source of protein mixed with the taste of the shrimp becomes incredible. xena will plunge into good memories of tiquanda while trying this dish
__Tropical Fried Terrorbird
01 Chicken recentemente morta
02 Lemons
02 Oranges
02 Mangoes
02 Vials de Coconut Milk
01 Stone Herb
*Fried chicken with fruit is one of the most famous dishes of the great chef jean pierre. I'm sure that by sampling this dish xena remembers the time she was hunting with her friends in tiquanda
ALL photos and methods of preparation of each dish is in my instagran !
ResponderBorrarCharacter:Suzy Kill
World: Gladera
Knowing of Xena's arrival, I decided to create some dishes that I'm sure she'd chosen one of them as her favorite
01 Bar of Chocolate
01 Cream Cake
02 Bananas
02 Vials de milk
01 Sling Herb
01 Star Herb
ingredients :
05 Carrots
01 Vial de Milk
01 Lemon
10 Flours
02 Eggs
10 Cookies
02 Peanuts
Hydra Tongue Salad
02 Hydra Tongues
02 Tomatoes
01 Cucumber
02 Eggs
01 Troll Green
01 Vial de Wine
•*´¨`*• *** •*´¨`*•
No ingredient has been replaced in its original version.
The whole process of preparation is in my instagran.
fallow me @ bruuzys2
"You are allowed to replace ingredients, but it must be 'similar' in appearance to the original one"
ResponderBorrarWhen you say this, do you mean the ingredients must be similar, or just the final result, the complete dish must be similar?
Instagram: Loreni133
ResponderBorrarCharacter : Loreni
World: Talera
Elegí este platillo porque supongo que a xena le gusta el postre antes
2°2 huevos
3°una taza de leche
4°10 galletas
5°el jugo de un limon
6° 3 zanahorias.
500 gramos de fondant
colorante , naranja y verde limón
1°batí las 2 claras de los huevos a punto de nieve
2°mezcle las 2 yemas del huevo con la leche y el jugo de limón
3°triture las galletas hasta formar un polvo
4°agregue la mezcla de las yemas alas claras batidas el polvo de las galletas mezclando de manera envolvente
5° tamize la harina pasándola por un colador
6° por ultimo agregue la harina tamizada ala mezcla donde estaban los demás ingredientes , vacié la mezcla a un molde de forma circula de 20 cm
y hornee por 35 minutos a 180° con el horno previamente calentado
7°una vez horneado el pan para el pastel deje enfriar en una rejilla
8°para la decoración del pastel estire aproximadamente de 2 cm de ancho y corte el circulo para la parte de arriba del pastel basándome en a medida del molde y coloque
9° pinte una parte del fondant de color naranja y la otra verde moldeándola para formar la zanahoria que coloque en la parte superior del pastel
10° lo ultimo que hice fue hacer la forma alrededor del pastel en el fondant y colocarlo.
ResponderBorrarCharacter:Suzy Kill
World: Gladera
I'm posting here again because I forgot to write about how to prepare and take advantage of this correction to add another recipe.
I'm sorry for this.
for the arrival of xena, I decided to recreate 4 great recipes of the famous chef jean pierre. They are 3 dishes with many typical tiquanda flavors.
Come to my house to taste these delicious meals. I'm sure you will never leave here again.
ingredients :
05 Carrots
01 Vial de Milk
01 Lemon
10 Flours
02 Eggs
10 Cookies
02 Peanuts
Method of preparation:(Mix a normal cake dough with milk, flour and eggs, then add some
cookie crumbs for the crunchy effect later on. ...Stir in the
grated carrots and tiny peanut pieces and bake it for about
thirty minutes! Now we'll make a great topping with sugar and
lemon juice, pour it over the cake and decorate it. ...)
Obs:a cenoura decorativa em cima do bolo eu fiz manualmente de massinha de biscoito
02 Hydra Tongues
02 Tomatoes
01 Cucumber
02 Eggs
01 Troll Green
01 Vial de Wine
Method of preparation:(just chop the hydra tongues, tomatoes and cucumber into tiny pieces. ...
Now for the sauce - our base is wine, in which we mix the raw
eggs until it gets a nice smooth consistency. Add grinded troll
green, whose flavour is quite similar to basil and shake the
sauce in a mug. ..Pour it over the salad)
40 eggs
20 mangoes
10 honeycombs
01 bottle of bug milk
01 blessed wooden stake
Method of preparation:-in a pan boil the milk
-Add the eggs
-Let it cook for some minutes
-lace the honeycombs and the cut sleeves in the hot mix
-Let it boil for a few more minutes
-use a wooden spoon and mix at a very fast speed for about 30min (or replace the spoon with a blender in the case of humans).
01 Bar of Chocolate
01 Cream Cake
02 Bananas
02 Vials de milk
01 Sling Herb
01 Star Herb
Method of preparation:
(Melt the chocolate in a hot water bath and add the ground herbs
you know, these herbs taste like cinnamon and vanilla, keep the fire soft and add the milk. Knead the banana and stir in the chocolate milk. Now, finally, we add the cream cake in the mixture.)
No ingredient has been replaced in its original version.
The whole process of preparation is in my instagran.
come to my house xena <>.<>
•*´¨`*•fallow me @bruuzys2
Instragram account: didikemp
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Didi Hadid
World: Lobera
Carrot Cake - I chose this dish because Xena has a sweet tooth! Who would say?
Back in the old days chef Jean Pierre was wondering if a panther would enjoy sweet treats,
so he cooked his favorite sweet dish, a beautiful carrot cake and gave it as a present to Xena deep down Tiquanda.
She ate it all in two bites and since that day her favorite treat is carrot cake! Mmmm.
I used fresh little flowers in the presentation to resemble nature, making it even more attractive for Xena.
Cake: carrots, oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder.
Filling: white chocolate and table cream.
Frosting: butter, sugar, cream cheese and vanilla.
Elaboration process:
1. Mix all the cake ingredients together, pour the mix into 3 round baking trays.
2. Bake it at 360°F for 35 minutes.
3. Melt the white chocolate on the microwave (30 to 30 seconds) and then add table cream and mix.
4. Spread the white chocolate filling between the 3 levels of the cake.
5. Mix the frosting ingredients and spread it evenly on the cake.
6. Place a small fresh carrot on top if it as decoration.
Intagram Account: @peppermmint_patty
ResponderBorrarCharacter Name: Peppermmint Patty
World: Pacera
Description: I chose to make the Northern Fishburger while lying in bed thinking about the contest and how I could simulate the colours of each fish in the recipe if I used food colouring on each fillet. That became the inspiration behind the creation.
3 Halibut fillets
Blue food colouring
Red food colouring
Green food colouring
3 Buns
3 pieces of Romaine Lettuce
For the shrimp marinade:
1/3 cups of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 cups of Lime Juice
2 table spoons of Honey
2 cloves of minced Garlic
1 table spoon of Chilli Powder
Kosher Salt
Cooking Directions:
1. Soak each Halibut fillet in blue, red and green food colouring respectively, and refrigerate for 1 hour.
2. Combine all ingredients for the shrimp marinade in a bowl and mix well.
3. Add the shrimp to the mixture and continue to mix well until all shrimp are thickly coated.
4. Refrigerate the shrimp mixture for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
5. Apply oil (or equal substitute) to 2 to 4 frying pans
6. Remove the fish and shrimp mixture from the fridge and place inside the pans.
7. Cook each fillet over medium heat for 4 minutes on each side.
8. Cook the shrimp over medium heat for about 2 minutes on each side, or until completely opaque.
9. Remove items from the heat, assemble each fishburger as you desire and have the shrimp on the side of your plate.
Bon Appetit!
Instagram Account: @nutritious_plant_deliciousness
ResponderBorrarCharacter name: Zantisse
World: Calmera
I decided to make a really fulfilling and healthy 2 course meal (2 dishes) for Xena. Appetizer - Filled Jalapeno Peppers. Main Course - Rotworm Stew. I put my own spin on both recipes, making sure though that they look as close as possible to tibia-version, this took some ingenuity as I have a vegan recipes Instagram page :D I think Xena would enjoy and appreciate trying something new, I'm actually pretty sure she would not even be able to tell that she is eating plants only :O I'm glad Xena is a fictional character because I sure would not feed this to a real very carnivorous panther :D Both of these dishes came out so delicious, you should all totally give them a try!
*Filled Jalapeno Peppers*
8 Jalapeno Peppers
4oz Cream Cheese
1/4Cup Cheddar
4Tbsp Spring Onions chopped
Salt & Pepper to taste
1/3Cup Italian Breadcrumbs
Cooking directions:
1. Preheat oven to 400F.
2. With a blunt knife carefully hollow out the jalapenos, start by cutting off the top and using a butter knife hollow out the inside.
3. In a bowl mix together cream cheese, cheddar, spring onions and season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Next using a piping bag (or a ziplock bag with a cut off corner)fill jalapenos all the way to the top, do not be afraid to have some of the filling bulging out of the top - this will be good for next step.
5. Dip each jalapeno's cheesy top in breadcrumbs (to seal the cheesy mixture in for baking).
6. Arrange jalapenos standing upright for baking (This was a real task, but whatever it takes to recreate the recipe to the T :D). If you lay them down, some of the filling will come out.
6. Bake for 20 mins and enjoy warm.
*Rotworm Stew*
For the Stew:
4 Large Mushrooms sliced
2 Large Yellow Potatoes diced
2 Medium Celery Stalks chopped
1 Large Onion chopped
6 Cloves of Garlic minced
3 Tbsp Olive Oil (substitute with 1/2Cup Veggie Broth)
4 Cups Veggie Broth
2 Bottles of Guinness
2 Tbsp Tomato Paste
4 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 Tbsp Black Pepper
For the dumplings AKA meat:
1 Cup Flour
3 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast (adds cheesy flavour, substitute with 1/4 Cup shredded cheese of choice)
1 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
1/2 Tbsp Salt
2 Tbsp Fresh Thyme
3/4 Cup Unsweetened Cashew Milk (substitute for any milk you like - as long as it has no sugar added)
Cooking Directions:
1. In a large pot add 2Tbsp of olive oil and heat up over medium-high, add mushrooms and cook for 3-5mins stirring once.
2. Add remaining olive oil along with onions, carrots, celery and garlic. Cook for 8mins or until ligthly browned and slightly caramelized.
3. Next add broth, Guinness, tomato paste, soy sauce, black pepper and potatoes. Cover with a lid and cook for 45mins over medium-high.
4. To make dumplings, mix all dry ingredients (flour, nutritional yeast or your substitute, baking powder, salt and thyme) in a bowl.
5. Next add milk and stir. Be careful not to over mix. Sticky dough should form.
6. Drop tablespoon-sized dollops of dough into the stew for the last 15mins of cooking time. Make sure you do not overcrowd the pot as dumplings will expand in size.
Serve hot!
Instagram Account: @irosdiel
ResponderBorrarCharacter name: Iros Diel
World: Calmera
From the looks of it Xena seems to be the kind of gal that likes to eat comforting hearty dishes, that is not to say she looks fat, just fluffy in a cuddly way ;) There is no better comfort food than a Veggie Casserole! Something tells me she wouldn't be herself if she didn't enjoy a dessert with a kick, since she is a ferocious midnight panther, Demonic Candy Balls seem to fit the description quite well!
Veggie Casserole
2 Large Potatoes peeled, thinly sliced
2 Carrots peeled, ribboned (use vegetable peeler to make ribbons)
2 Zucchinis thinly sliced
2 Corn Cobs' worth of kernels
1 Large Tomato sliced
4 Mushrooms sliced
1 Large Onion sliced
Cheese Sauce:
1 Small Potato diced
1 Small Carrot diced
1/2 Medium Onion diced
6-8 Cloves of Garlic minced
1/2 Cup Sunflower Seeds
2 Cups Unsweetened Milk of your choice
Cheddar Cheese
Italian Breadcrumbs
To make the sauce:
1. Cook diced potato, carrots and onions in boiling water for 10mins.
2. Drain water and set aside.
3. Add all cheese sauce ingredients (cooked potato, carrot, onion + minced garlic, sunflower seeds and milk) to a High-speed blender and blend until smooth. If sauce seems too thick to your liking thin out starting with 1/4 Cup Milk.
4. Set the cheese sauce aside and begin arranging the casserole.
Arranging Veggie Casserole:
1. Preheat your oven to 420F.
2. You will want to work in layers of vegetables with cheese sauce in between every second layer.
3. Start by coating the bottom of your oven-proof dish with a couple of tablespoons of cheese sauce, next layer potato slices (about 1/3) overlapping slightly, next add onions and zucchini in the same fashion. Pour about 1/2 Cup of cheese sauce over the top.
4. Begin the next layer with potatoes, then add tomatoes and mushrooms - make sure every layer is about the same thickness, imagine you are making a lasagna just without noodles. Again, pour 1/2 Cup of cheese sauce over mushrooms layer.
5. You basically want to repeat the last two steps until you run out of veggies or space in your dish. Make sure potatoes form the very last (that is the very top) layer of your casserole. Pour the remaining sauce over top layer of potatoes.
6. Finish off by sprinkling breadcrumbs and cheddar cheese.
7. Bake covered with aluminium foil for 50mins, then remove the aluminium foil and bake for additional 20mins or until the top is lightly browned and the cheese has melted.
8. Let the veggie casserole cool for about 10mins before serving to give it time to set.
Demonic Candy Balls
1 Pack Gingerbread Cookies (about 7-8oz)
8oz Cream Cheese (plain, unsalted)
2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
Bar of Chocolate (6oz) melted over a hot water bath.
Sprinkles for decorating
1. Process gingerbread cookies in a food processor into crumbs.
2. In a separate bowl mix cream cheese with maple syrup. Next add gingerbread cookie crumbs and mix until combined.
3. With your hands, form about 15 1inch balls and dip each one in melted chocolate.
4. Decorate with sprinkles, go crazy :D
5. Freeze for at least 10mins before serving.
6. These truffles, I mean demonic candy balls will keep in the freezer for about 8-10days if stored in an air-tight container.
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Spew Rain
World: Inabra
Hello! English isn’t my first language so forgive me about the mistakes.
Reason I picked: Being a midnight panther, it’s only natural to assume Xena’s favorite food is red meat, since it is an Apex predator and deadly hunter within Tiquanda’s jungle, however few know that the small panther not only enjoys rustic cuisine, but also a simpler, yet refined culinary.
It is exactly that refined characteristic that is highlighted in the mix of delicious red meat, together with eggs, shrooms and spices in it’s favorite dish, Roasted Dragon Wings. Prepared by it’s great friend, the Djinn Jean Pierre from Ashta’daramai, as a gift to the panther.
The tasteful bat wings, together with the scrambled Terrorbird eggs, speckled with special spices that delights the palate and the exquisite texture of the shrooms, completly satisfy young Xena. Not only that but the slight touch of the fresh leaves reminisce the bushes she hid in Tiquanda’s jungle.
- Red meat steak, cut in the shape of bat wings
- Champignon
- Jalapeño Peppers
- Brown Bread
- Eggs
- Arugula and parsley’s leaves, that look like Tibia’s Powder Herb
- Pieces of beet to taint the champignon red, making it look like a red mushroom
Preparing the Roasted Dragon Wings:
- Take the steaks directly in the grill, taking precautions not to get burned, using water to keep the fire in the grill burning, if necessary
- After grilled, using a specialized pair of scissors to cut meat, and taking care not to burn or cut yourself, cut the beefs in the shape of bat wings, just like in the tibian dish.
- Place the champignon in a bowl together with cut beet and leave it there for a while, so the champignon can acquire a red coloring to resemble red mushrooms.
- Take a frying pan and place butter, follow by putting the eggs right after.
- Put together the eggs, parsley and pieces of jalapeño pepper in a bowl and mix them, but don’t bater too much. Spare a frying pan and leave some butter melting.
-Once the butter has melt, take the scrambled eggs into the frying pan and mix until it’s cooked, flipping it so that its cooked on all sides.
-Finish the dish by putting the steaks together forming the shape of two bat wings, then put the scrambled eggs with parsley and pepper and the red champignon together, and serve it with brown breads to the side.
Instagram: @tryhornn_the_purifier
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Tryhornn
World: Solidera
I made a little roleplay to explain why I wanted to cook this dish based on your story, I hope you like it! And I hope Xena likes her nutrition meal!
Xena stopped hunting and sprinting through the jungle for a while and was concerned over her looks, however even ashamed of her thoughts she decided to open up about it to her friend, Jean Pierre, the djinn of Ashta’daramai, who just happens to be a great chef. He thought it was funny, and in it’s own way, charming, that Xena was considering herself chubby. Xena, even having meat as one of her favorite foods, asked him of how to take it out of her diet for a while, until she got back to shape.
Jean Pierre told Xena she didn’t have to cut none of her favorite meats out of the diet if the goal was to lose a little weight, but instead to include some healthier food together with said meat, like vegetables and berries that can be easily found in the jungle. Those diet changes together with her walks through the jungle would be enough for her to feel good again! However Xena was not very convinced... therefore Jean Pierre told her he would make a dish that would fit the new diet, and it would be so delicious she would never again doubt his nutritional tips, even more so, because said dish would use Xena’s favorite meat…. HAM! And that dish would be named BLESSED STEAK!
Xena tasted Jean Pierre’s masterpiece and truthfully told him she had never eaten something so good in her entire life! Not only that, but so nutritional aswell, and she felt lighter after that meal than she had felt after her meals in the last couple days. Even though she was shy, she asked him if he could make her that dish again some other day.
Blessed Steak / Ingredients:
Ham / Plums / Onions / Beet / Pumpkin / Jalapeño Peppers
Take the ham to the pan and let it cook, drip water periodically to help cooking and coloring
Cut the pumpkin in many slices and cook it in hot water to make them soft
Cut the onion and the Jalapeño Peppers and leave them spared for later to take it to the frying pan, grate the beet to make the dish colorful to resemble the beautiful colors of the jungle, together with the plums that should also be separated in a different container
Grill the pumpkin after softened together with the onions and Jalapeño Peppersin in a big frying pan until they’re golden and pretty
Take the already cooked meat to a dish and place the cooked vegetables around it, together with the pumpkin, adding plums as decoration aswell as grated beet
ps. English isn’t my first language
Instagram: bruno_okuma
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Bromksbloker
World: Gladera
I made 3 delicious dishes and I hope one of them is xena's favorite ... both are dishes with fresh white meats, coming from tiquanda, to taste those flavors xena would feel fulfilled!
_Coconut Shrimp Bake
05 Vials de Coconut Milk
05 Brown Mushrooms
05 Red Mushrooms
10 Rice Balls
10 Shrimps
method of preparation:
-Place the prawns in a bowl and dip them in the coconut milk.
Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
-Add the prawns to the rice (spread evenly)
-put a part of the coconut milk over the rice
-consulting the mushrooms and pour the rest of the coconut milk on it and bake
*the shrimp helps the brain work well and the mushroom strengthens your immune system
__Northern Fishburger
01 Northern Pike
01 Rainbow Trout
01 Green Perch (
05 Shrimps
02 Rolls
01 Fern
method of preparation
-clean the fish and remove the peels of the shrimp
-cut the rollers in half
-fry a slice of fish and the shrimps
-Season to taste
Note: Spice with a lot of ground fern. (Green pepper in rl)
*the fish meat used in this fast and delicious dish is a great source of protein mixed with the taste of the shrimp becomes incredible. xena will plunge into good memories of tiquanda while trying this dish
__Tropical Fried Terrorbird
01 Chicken recentemente morta
02 Lemons
02 Oranges
02 Mangoes
02 Vials de Coconut Milk
01 Stone Herb
method of preparation
-Moose the herbs and mix the coconut milk
-dive the chicken in coconut milk
- Peel the oranges and mangos and cut them into pieces and add them to the mixture.
- Remove chicken from its marinade and fry.
- remove the fruits and heat - in a baking oven or fry together with the chicken
-Add the fruits and spray a little lemon on it.
*Fried chicken with fruit is one of the most famous dishes of the great chef jean pierre. I'm sure that by sampling this dish xena remembers the time she was hunting with her friends in tiquanda
ALL photos and methods of preparation of each dish is in my instagran !
Instagram: seviiillanaaa
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Atrapada
World: Vunira
I have prepared two dishes for Xena: Coconut Shrimp Bake and Sweet Mangonaise Elixir.
Made a risotto with all the ingredients and I think this can be Xena's favourite dish because she will be able to move faster underwater in order to fish.
2 glasses of Coconut Milk
2 Thistle mushrooms
3 Portobello mushrooms
6 Rice Balls (between 150-200gr, the rice was previously boiled to make the balls)
Shrimps (180gr)
First put oil in a saucepan and brown the shrimps. While they are getting browned chop de mushrooms. Once the shrimps are browned separate them and brown the mushrooms in the same oil. When they get browned add the rice balls, the coconut milk and the shrimps. Mix it and let it stew at low heat until the milk gets consumed. Finally, once the milk is consumed you can plate the dish and enjoy the meal.
Made a kind of milkshake and I really think that if Xena is as clumsy as I am that will help her a lot to not get into trouble with her husband. She can make 10 copies from the engraved wedding ring and in case she loses it she has some spare rings.
1 Honeycomb
1 glass of cow milk (pretending to be the Bottle of Bug Milk)
1 Mango
2 Eggs
Cinnamon (pretending to be the Blessed Wooden Stake)
First cut the mango into pieces and put it inside a pot. Add the milk and some honey from the honeycomb and then mix everything in a Blender. While the Blender is mixing, separate the whites from the eggs and whip them to stiff peaks. Then add the whipped whites to the previous mixture and blend it again. Finally plate the milkshake in a bottle and add the cinnamon. Let it rest a couple of hours in the fridge and later enjoy the elixir!
It was hard to make them edible, tasty and similar to the game dishes at the same time. My Coconut Shrimp Bake had three attempts and the first and the second could not be really edible but I finally made it to be delicious. I have uploaded all the pictures on Instagram so people can also follow the process picture by picture in case they want to cook it. Coconut Shrimp Bake is highly recommended!!! Thanks for your attention and good luck everyone, I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed that contest.
At. Cristina
instagram: Fiefioorka
ResponderBorrarcharacter: Vussia
world: Secura
Do you know that Rotworm Stew in fact has a lot of sweetness in it?! Thats why Xena loves it <3 Delicate cake based on sweet potatoes and cream cheese witch crunchy bacon.. sounds intriguing. Cake is strongly inspired of American cuisine. Taste is sensational. On top sprinkled with crushed pretzels. The addition of spices equals the taste. It is the perfect combination of a sweet salty taste, even the biggest cat will not resist it.
-2 Meat (i used bacon)
-20 patatoes (i used one big sweet potato)
-1 onion (exchanged for spices)
-1 Bulb of Garlic (exchanged for spices)
-5 ounces od Flour (i used less)
-2 Vial of Beer (i used milk)
also i used cream cheese, baking powder, sugar, salt, food dye
I decorated the cake with myself made sugar fondant.
Inside are two layers of cake and cream sprinkled with crushed pretzels and a bit of food dye.
It only looks like a simple carrot cake. In fact, it is much more interesting than others. Inside there is a secret place for sweets, self made little sugar carrots and other beauty sprinkles. No wonder this is Xenas favorite cake. Topped in icing with cream cheese.
-5 Carrots carrot
-1 Vial of Milk vial of milk
-1 Lemon lemon (lemon zest and a bit of juice)
-10 ounces of Flour flour (i used less)
-2 Eggs egg
-2 Peanuts peanut
also i used cream cheese, baking powder, sugar, food dye, spices.
I created a hole in the baked cake and stuffed it with sugar carrots and other sprinkles.
Instagram: @axilleexile
ResponderBorrarcharacter: Axille
world: Vunira
Coconut Shrimp Bake
Have you ever wondered why Xena has only been seen next to the river? You may never find her far from it. Why is that? Not many people know that Xena's favourite way of spending time is chasing the shrimps under water. She just loves the seafood. And in order to chase them in the best way, she eats one Coconut Shrimp Bake a day!
Method: I used beetroot on white mushroom in order to obtain the red mushroom. Then, I fried the sliced mushroom on some butter and added coconut milk. I shaped the rice balls with my hands and added a leaf of mint for decoration.
Myth Mine
Instagram : mythynob
Northern Fishburger
Everybody knows that the most delicious food for every kitty is fish. During walks in the jungle Tiquanda, Xena met a famous chef – Jean Pierre. Jean was looking for new ingredients for his new dishes. Xena showed him the places where there are interesting plants, which could be the perfect addition to his dishes. Jean was very happy and he decided to create something delicious for Xena. He had various types of fish from the Ice islands, fresh rolls from Carlin. He started to prepare the best burger for Xena. That’s how Northern Fishburger was created. Xena was delighted she never had such delicious fish. Since then, Xena and Jean have been meeting once a year. Jean brings fishes and Xena could relishes the taste of his favorite food.
Recipe :
1 roll with sesame
3x fish fingers ( You can buy them or do it Yourself)
2x slices of cheese
1x lettuce leaf
2x slices of onion
1x slice of tomato
Fish fingers recipe :
3x tablespoon plain flour
1 egg
40g golden breadcrumbs
500g fish fillets
Salt and black pepper
Put flour and the breadcrumbs in a separate shallow dish. Pour the beaten egg into a shallow dish. Pieces of fish dip into flour and the beaten egg then the breadcrumbs until evenly coated. Put the prepared fish pieces on a plate. Heat the oil in pan. Add the fish fingers carefully and fry for 4-5 minutes.
Sauce recipe :
2x tablespoon of mayonnaise
0,5x tablespoon of vinegar
one crush clove of garlic
one chopped pickled cucumber
1x tablespoon of sugar
Cut the roll in half. On the bottom and top part of roll put slices of cheese and fish fingers. Preheat oven to 175 degrees and put the burger for 5-7 minutes. The roll become crispy and the cheese will melt. After removing from the oven, put all ingredients inside and our burger is ready.
Myth Mine
Instagram : mythynob
Hydra Tongue Salad
Salads are healthy, nutritious and filling. They can be either a healthy lunch or a tasty breakfast. Xena loves to eat healthy. She is agile, runs very fast, and her fur glistens in the full moon. Hydra Tongue Salad is her favorite meal for the summer. Jean Pierre made a very simple recipe for everyone to try Xena's favorite dish.
Recipe :
Vinaigrette Salad Dressing
Sauce recipe :
3x tablespoon olive oil
1x tablespoon vinegar or balsamic vinegar
freshly ground pepper/pinch of salt/dried basil
1 cucumber (vertical slice)
1 tomato
some feta cheese
Character: Azyran
ResponderBorrarWorld: Antica
Hydra Tongue Salad
I chose the Hydra Tongue Salad because living in Tiquanda is very risky for Xena. There are a lot of monsters and plants that may affect her in a bad way and having this dish with her she will always feel safer knowing she can heal all these negative effects instantly ��
Other than that, I think this salad was quite challenging because you could not find the hydra tongue in real life and had to create it on your own.
I made the hydra tongues out of small cucumbers, tomatoes, dried small williams and tooth picks. I made the Tibia wine dressing, which in Tibia is purple, out of blueberry juice mixed with water and a little bit of yoghurt so it isn't too liquid. Enjoy, Xena!
Instagram: jimknegarn
ResponderBorrarDish: Hydra Tongue Salad
For this dish I used a cucumber, 2 tomatoes and 2 eggs. The hydra tongues was replaced with Celery. Three celery stems with leafy tops had a nice resemblance tot he hydra tongue. For the troll green I used dill and as wine I used Balsamic Vinegar. I boiled the eggs and chopped the greens. When the eggs were done I sliced them into small pieces, mixed them with the rest and pored the vinegar at the end.
Dish: Blessed Steak
For this dish I stuck to the original recipe, although using a butternut pumpkin. I cooked the meat chop in the pan and the rest in the oven, except for the peppers that I sliced and spread, together with some sea salt, over the dish once it was all arranged together.
Dish: Sweet Mangonaise Elixir
This dish was a bit of a tricky one. As I wasn't very tempted to put a wooden stake in my mixer I used a blessed chocolate bar stake instead and bug milk was replaced by regular cow milk. Other then that I used the original ingredients. Everything was put in the blender and after some fighting with the chocolate bar my Sweet Mangonaise Elixir was done!
Instagram: matt_gamer111
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Shhan
Server: Estela
Dish: Demonic Candy Balls
- 3 Candies
- 2 Bars of Chocolate
- 1 Concentrated Demonic Blood made of cherries
- 1 Gingerbread man
- 5 red M&M
Elaboration process:
1. Melt the chocolate bars in a small pot.
2. Blend the candies, gingerbread man together with the concentraded demonic blood (made of cherries).
3. Add some to the already melted chocolate.
4. Keep it on low fire until you get the desired consistency.
5. Let it cool down and put it on the fridge for about 2 hours.
6. Take small portions and roll them with your hands to create a "candy".
7. Add a red M&M on top.
8. Enjoy your candies!
Character name: Fire Draggon
ResponderBorrarWorld: Solidera
Dish: Coconut Shrimp Bake
The choice:
Why this specific magic dish? The effects of this incredible tasty food is well known to humans: it increases the speed at which one moves when underwater!
Now, Tiquanda is a unique place... Land of many beauties but also many dangers...
The land is filled with poisonous/venom creatures, hunters, traps and hidden holes... It is easy to fall in the hands of the enemy. However, there is one place where none of them dares to go: the water.
Tiquanda has a rich river environment, with rivers crossing the whole landscape, if one could make use of such rivers it would definitely provide him the best tool against the uncountable dangers of the jungle.
Xena, being a Midnight Panther, is the most wanted creature of the jungle. Everyone wants her head as prize and open-road to fame. Therefore, I thought she could make the best use of the Coconut Shrimp Bake effects!
When hunters surround her, she would simply jump in the water and swim fast to a safe spot! When hungry she would be able to swim and catch even the fastest fishes! When hunting she would be able to surprise the prey by coming from the water! Xena would become the deadliest creature of the jungle!
Cooking process:
1) Go to the market and buy all the ingredients: Rice, Shimeji (brown mushroom), red mushroom, Shrimps and Coconut Milk
2) Cook the rice for 30 min so it will be sticky. After that, let it cool down a bit.
3) Make the rice balls with your own hands. Make sure to have your hands wet, so the rice doesn’t stick to it!
4) Fry the Shrimp and the Red mushroom for 10 minutes on butter.
5) Soak the brown mushroom (shimeji) with Coconut Milk and bake.
6) Mix them all together and enjoy the awesome taste!
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this contest, it was really really fun! ;D
Instagram: Hadanenordsveen
ResponderBorrarCharacter name: Key
World: Vunira
Dish: Carrot Cake
Why I chose this dish is because it's my daughters favourite dish also 😄and i'm sure every girl loves cakes (even Xena)😏
The dish is called Carrot Cake and weights 6.80oz. 🙄
The ingrediens I used was..
🥜Chops (instead of nuts)
🧀Cream cheese philadelphia
-Baking Soda
Process: Beat eggs and sugar puffy in a bowl. Add the grated carrots and rapeseed oil. Mix flour, baking soda, bicarbonate, cinnamon and salt in a bowl. Stir in the egg whip.
Pour the batter into the mold. Bake the cake in the lower part of the oven for about 60 minutes. Take out and allow to cool completely.
Whisk all ingredients with whipped cream for a few minutes until it has become a smooth and fluffy stain. Wide glaze over the cake.
For The Carrot detail I colored Chops i to Carrot colors, then shaped it as a Carrot.
ResponderBorrarI decided to chose a carrot cake! :)
Instagram: cookingforxena
A few days ago I cought Xena wolfing down carrots in my kitchen. She was covered with pieces of carrots all over her cute face! I could not stop myself from preparing something that combines sweetness and carrots, which Xena plainly loves! This is why I went for this delicious cake!
I used eggs, flour, sugar, oil, baking powder, cinnamon, soda, salt, and obviously a lot of carrots! :3
First I mixed eggs and sugar, then I added oil and flour, then carrot and the rest of the ingredients :)
ResponderBorrarI decided to chose a carrot cake! :)
Instagram: cookingforxena
A few days ago I cought Xena wolfing down carrots in my kitchen. She was covered with pieces of carrots all over her cute face! I could not stop myself from preparing something that combines sweetness and carrots, which Xena plainly loves! This is why I went for this delicious cake!
I used 4 eggs, 2 cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar, 1 1/4 cup of oil, 2 tea spoons of baking powder, cinnamon, soda, a pinch of salt, and obviously a lot of grated carrots! :3
First I mixed eggs and sugar, then I added oil and flour, then grated carrots and the rest of the ingredients :)
I also prepared fondant myself, I stained it and created a carrot :)
Karra Lavin (Celesta)
Character name: Slowfi
ResponderBorrarWorld: Solidera
Dish: Demonic Candy Balls
Instagram: @slowfi_
For a long time the Midnight Panther was considered as a myth, a myth living in Tiquanda. It is said that a little homeless boy met a Midnight Panther years ago, while he was exploring the jungle by himself, looking for a place to spend the night, it was already midnight by then. Face to face with the Panther, they somehow understood each other.
That night the Panther shared her 2 biggest secrets:
1) 3 spots where she lives (located in Tiquanda)
2) Xena (her name).
That night, the little homeless boy slept with Xena. By the time Xena woke up the little boy was gone.
Next day by midnight there was a huge amount of human hunters looking for Xena in Tiquanda. Since then Xena has been the most wanted feline. Every night, at midnight, there are humans chasing her 3 “secret” spots in Tiquanda.
*According to the myths, I decided to talk to Jean Pierre to allow Xena to eat some of his magical dishes, I chose Demonic Candy Balls because of its effects, as they might help Xena to take care of her life.
3 Candy Cane
3 Candies (red, green, blue)
15 Gingerbreadman
2 Chocolate Bars.
1 Concentrated Demonic Blood.
I believe Xena needs to be strong enough to fight against the huge number of hunters who are willing to kill or tame her! Each color of the crushed candies provides a different benefit, as well as each one of the ingredients required for demonic candy balls.
One thing is for sure: anything can be possible...
To get away from the danger: the RED pieces of crushed Candy Canes provides Xena high speed, I believe Xena does not need haste... Xena is fast enough to get away from the crime. However, who am I to judge...
Careful Xena, everyone is after you....
There is a saying about Tiquanda: it is a perfect place to play hide and seek... Uhhh.
For those who know Tiquanda, it might be easier to get a perfect spot to hide or maybe to seek for their friends. But Xena… no one has ever found her, everyone wonders: where is Xena?
What they don’t know is that the BLUE pieces of candy makes Xena invisible, while everyone hunts, play hide and seek or wait for her to appear... she is watching... enjoying and resting her days off in Tiquanda... the only way for people to see Xena is when the invisibility runs out.
You never know whom you will encounter along the way. Who knows, maybe dreams do come true after all...
Transitions in life are marked by major events, GREEN pieces of candy increase Xena’s shield, especially useful when invisibility runs out and there is nothing she can do besides making a fast decision between life and death.
Plan A) Face the enemies.
Plan B) Run away with her incredible skills and speed.
Plan C) Surrender.
Think fast Xena... A, B or C...?!?!?!!!!
Tic - Toc - Tic - Toc.
Poor little Xena... it’s too late to turn back now.
Crushed Gingerbreadman are destined to increase Xena’s melee skills. When war is knocking on the front door, she is ready for a hell of a fight.
(Xena is getting dressed to kill…)
Revenge is sweet. Especially when you have a sugar mamma... Chocolate bars increases Xena’s magic level by 3.... Be careful Xena’s energy strike could hit her enemies harder than usual! So does Xena’s healing which could go up from 50 to 100.
Well well well, I got my answer after all... Nothing stays hidden for long.
-Rise and Shine little Xena-
They say blood is thicker than water, but also a lot harder to clean up when it spills... the top of the Demonic Candy Balls are made of Concentrated Demonic Blood, it increases her distance skills even though she doesn’t have any.
Maybe in the future, she might try to spill blood by the distance....
-Let the bodies hit the floor-
Borrar-Let the bodies hit the floor-
Last but not least, there is an unknown mix of ingredients, that provides ultimate light. Xena haven’t discovered it yet… It is a very rare effect of the Demonic Candy Balls. Let’s hope Xena finds out before she gets caught by humans.
Get ready to find out what you are made of. Because, to survive in Tiquanda, you better be fearless little Xena.
In literature, there are thousands of endings, some happy, some sad. Some end with a twist.
Description / How to cook:
1) Make sure to collect the ingredients needed. (Candy cane, bars of chocolate, candies)
2) Bake 15 Gingerbreadman. Make sure to make them look handsome.
3) (Concentrated demonic blood) Melt 3 spoons of sugar with 50ml of water. Add vegetal red color (eatable).
4) Melt the 2 chocolate bars
5) Crush into little pieces the candies, candy canes, as well, the gingerbread.
6) Put them together with the melted chocolate.
7) Let the chocolate get a little cold and start to make the candy balls by hand. When you are done put them in the fridge and wait for them to get cold.
8) Add to them more crushed pieces of candy to make sure the effects does not fail when Xena eats them.
9) For the top of the demonic candy ball, we use the vial of Concentrated Demonic Blood. Make sure to have a “round” container to give it the round shape that is needed for the top, let it freeze and to give it the last touch put it on the top of the demonic candy ball.
I hope Xena enjoys it or at least find it useful!
ResponderBorrarCharacter: Paranoid Archer / World: Solidera
Hello Tibia Magazine and tibians! I decided to go for the Tropical Fried Terrorbird! I really like to eat chicken and even tho I'm not the best person to cook it, I tried my best!
“When I think of Xena, I have in mind a small panther running wild through the jungle of Tiquanda, hunting a succulent Terrorbird to feast in” – it was with such thought that Jean Pierre, the Djinn of Ashta’daramai, prepared this special dish for Xena, his intention was to touch deep down her heart so she remembers of her times of glory in the jungle of Tiquanda. Not only the delicious and healthy meat of the Terrorbird, but also the freshness of the plants and fruits of the forest.
For that reason, he created the mix of the delicious white meat of chicken and the fruits and leaves that resemble the great forest of Tiquanda. Everytime she flavors said dish her heart fills with joy when she remembers the characteristics of her birthplace
Ingredients used:
A whole chicken, lemons, oranges, mangoes, fresh lettuce leaves, arugula (similar to a Stone Herb from Tibia), coconut milk and spices (olive, salt, english sauce, orégano, vinagre, papper sauce, páprica and saffron) to season the chicken. The chicken with those spices and the freshness of the coconut milk tastes so much better!
Method of preparation:
First clean the chicken and prepare it to be spiced by putting it in a container.
Season the chicken with olive and salt to taste, english sauce, oregano, vinagre, lemon, pepper sauce, paprika, saffron and coconut milk, which will help with brightness.
After utilizing the spices, spread butter through the chiken so it tastes and looks better aftercooking.
Put the chicken in the oven, where it will stay for approximately 1h and 30 minutes, under 180° celsius, time may vary depending on the oven.
While the chicken cooks in the oven, split the oranges, lemons and mangoes in another container in order to decorate the plate. Cut the oranges and lemons in small slices and the mangoes in médium sized slices and put them in the plate. Wash the lettuce and arugula salad so it can be inserted together with others in order to add lightness to the dish.
Once the chicken is cooked, take it out of the oven and put it into the plate together with the other ingredientes, you will see how the coloring of the fruits and vegetables will give the dish life! Now all you gotta do is serve it!
Thanks and good luck everyone!
My instagram account is:
ResponderBorrarMy Character is: Ludacrits
Server: Wintera
Two orders of Demonic Candy Balls for Xena. I used the recipe from a very popular Brazilian appetizer called 'Brigadeiro', but I changed it a little bit to perzonalize it to Xena's taste, plus, I needed to add different flavours to get the various effects it has for Xena to take advantage of, so she can gain invisibility and camuflate in the jungle from the magic sweet candies combined with the demonic blood I used, she can also increase her strenght and magic power for several hours from the huge amounts of sugar and candy it contains, I add a very spicy treat in some of the balls to give her the chance of increase her speed aswell, sometimes it has colateral effects from the candy canes and the gingerbreadmen I sacrifized into the mix, but I promise, it's not as bad as it sounds, just a little extra light which usually pulsates from time to time. I chose this dish cause its sweet, it has chocolate (who doesn't love chocolate) and it has various effects to take advange of. Now I wonder who will Xena choose to share these sweet treats?
The ingredients were: -Condensed Milk
-Dark Chocolate and cinnamon powder
-Chilli powder
-Boneless maraschino Cherries
-Bar of Chocolate
-Tablespoon of Butter
The process:
I put all the condensed milk into a skillet then add the chocolate powder with cinnamon, to give a certain spicy taste to the final mix, then added the butter, and mix it during 15-20 minutes on slow heat until the mix gets soupy and it stops sticking to the skillet, then put all the mix on a casserole and on the fridge for about an hour, while I grated the chocolate bar, forming a dust out of it and mix it with the chilli powder, then drain the cherries to put on top of the balls. After that, just retreated the mix and form balls with it, and used the chilli chocolate mix to cover them, and add the cherries on top. Then back to the fridge for about an hour and its done. It gets a hard cover on the outside and a very soft sweet mix on the inside, like a bonbon, very good.
Character: Ryocrits
ResponderBorrarServer: Solidera
Dish: Pot of Blackjack
"Hi Xena, I decided to do this dish for You cause it gave me the opportunity to bring back my Venezuelan roots, by addapting the recipe of our well known "Caraotas criollas" (Creole black beans) which are part of our traditional dish "Pabellón" to Jeanpierre's cooking book, I know You're far from Vegetarian, so I did put some meat on it, by adding sausages to the condiments as you can see in the picture I submitted. I really wanted you to taste one of our most popular Venezuelan dishes, so You can feel comfortable when visiting my country, we already have the jungles for You to roam free, so maybe I can convince you now to come home with me, by adding a delicious meal treat to our perfect tropical environment. Plus, having some safety meassures is always good, Pots of blackjack are well known for adding lots of energy to our diet and are capable to regenerate our health in huge amounts for every sip we take. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you needs any more strenght, but a little extra help from tasty meal is always welcome. Hope to see You around pretty soon,
Extra Raawrss for you
Your Friend
-Black Beans.
-Tomatoes, Onion, Garlic, Carrots.
-Spicy Sausage.
I washed the beans and put them on water one day to another to help them get soften. Then I put them on slow heat for about 1 hour and a half to start the cooking process. In the meantime I Chopped the tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, the cilanter and the chives and put them on the blender, making a paste out of it. After that, I chopped the sausage in small rolls and fried it then on the same pan with oil and the sausage I added the vegetable paste and stir-fried it adding salt, garlic dust and caraway, once finished I added the mix to the boiling beans and let them cook for another half an hour, then ready to serve. Hope Xena enjoys it, cause the aroma coming out of it is really good!
Intente hacer algo diferente y opte por hacer hotcakes de zanahoria,algo más sencillo, económico y con los ingredientes que tenía a casa.
Mezcle una taza de leche, dos huevos, una taza de harina para hotcakes, una cucharada de mantequilla y a la mezcla incorpore zanahoria rallada.
Vertí la mezcla en el sartén para hacer los hotcakes.
Posteriormente para el glaseado sólo mezcle una taza de azúcar glass y 5 cucharadas de leche.
Para finalizar decore con una zanahoria y un tallo de perejíl.
Los ingredientes son:
Harina para hotcakes
Azucar glass
Una cucharada de mantequilla
Elegí este platillo por que los felinos como Xena dependen de su vista y el ingrediente principal la zanahoria, mezclado con los demás ingredientes tienen la habilidad de incrementar su capacidad de observar a su presa a una gran distancia.
Intente hacer algo diferente y opte por hacer hotcakes de zanahoria,algo más sencillo, económico y con los ingredientes que tenía en casa.
Mezcle una taza de leche, dos huevos, una taza de harina para hotcakes, una cucharada de mantequilla y a la mezcla incorpore zanahoria rallada.
Vertí la mezcla en el sartén para hacer los hotcakes.
Posteriormente para el glaseado sólo mezcle una taza de azúcar glass y 5 cucharadas de leche.
Para finalizar decore con una zanahoria y un tallo de perejíl.
*Fillled Jalapeño Peppers*
Hola Xena tuve que traducir esto al idioma felino porque mi mamá quería que entendieras porque es importante que pruebes sus filled jalapeño pepper. Lo necesitarás para incrementar tu velocidad por una hora. Esto te ayudará para que puedas atrapar a tu presa con mayor facilidad o de lo contrario para que puedas huir velozmente cuando alguien te quiera capturar para domarte. Además de que son deliciosos puedes compartirlos conmigo.
Los Ingredientes son:
Jalapeño peppers
Queso crema
Retirar las semillas de los chiles, partir finamente las espinacas y el cilantro. En el sartén mezclar los huevos, espinacas, cilantro y el queso crema. Retirar cuando este bien mezclado y cocido. Posteriormente rellenar los chiles jalapeños con la mezcla. Servir al gusto.
Oh no! Forgot add comment here <\3 too many work, hope so You decide my application valid :((
ResponderBorrarInstagram: tynkax
Tynusiiaa / Antica
Why I choosed „Banana Chocolate shake”? I love shakes so I think that our Xena love this too! Cute, banana, creamy and yummy! It was delicious, I love to prepare this and I will do it in the future. It really make me happy! ✨
Ingredientes in game / Ingredients in real:
- 2 bananas / 1 banana
- 2 vials of milk / glass of milk
- 1 chocolate bar / more than half chocolate bar
- Cream cake / glass of whipped cream
- Sling herb / herbs replaced by mint
- Star herb / herbs replaced by mint
Salads is my love, so I’ll try prepare Hydra Tongue Salad. I thinking that Xena’s love it too.
Ingredients in game / in Real life * 2 hydra tongue salad / chicken with herbs cut look like tongues
* 2 tomatoes / 2 tomatoes
* 1 cucumber / 1 cucumber
* 2 eggs / 2eggs
* 1 troll green / some lettuce’s leaves * 1 vial of vine / vinegar (drssing made from vinegar, mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper, honey)
habra concurso de cocina 2019?