Es hora nuevamente de celebrar el fuerte vínculo entre Tibia y los fansites en el Fansite Appreciation Day de este año. Este día, que tuvo su origen en el 15º aniversario del programa de fansite, se ha convertido desde entonces en una tradición bien establecida. Muchos fansites utilizan este día como ocasión para celebrar a las comunidades de fansites y a su equipo.
¿Alguna vez has considerado unirte a un fansite como miembro del personal? Si estás interesado, echa un vistazo a las presentaciones de los diferentes fansites a continuación o en nuestra sección de fansites. Si ve algo que le gustaría apoyar y en lo que le gustaría dedicar más tiempo, póngase en contacto con el administrador. A menudo buscan ayudantes dedicados. Mantener un fansite interesante es realmente todo un trabajo y, a menudo, se necesita ayuda.
También este año, varios fansites organizaron concursos en los que participar para celebrar este tradicional evento. Continúe leyendo para descubrir qué actividades están programadas para el período del Fansite Appreciation Day de este año.
Por supuesto, también volveremos a sortear fansite items en la conocida Fansite Item Lottery. ¡Corre la voz, puedes encontrarlo en la sección de encuestas!
Quizás se pregunte por qué estamos haciendo tal lotería y difundiendo tantos artículos en el sitio de fans.
Como probablemente puedas imaginar, no nos gusta mucho el hecho de que los fansite items sean tan valiosos como son. Sin embargo, nos gusta el concepto de fansite items en general. Son nuestra forma de mostrar agradecimiento a los fansites que brindan entretenimiento e información a los tibianos de todo el mundo. Su propósito es publicitar el fansite que representan dentro del juego y ser un elemento conmemorativo de un buen momento. Por tanto, deberían ser algo que la gente pueda atesorar. No como un valor monetario, sino en sus corazones. Así que esperamos reducir su valor al difundir más de ellos, dando así también a los tibianos que no están interesados en participar en concursos de fansites, o ayudar a los fansites, la oportunidad de recibir uno.
En pocas palabras, aquí están los hechos: Estamos rifando tres de cada fansite item de los fansites que están actualmente activos o que han estado activos durante 2023. Elige tu item favorito en la encuesta ¿Qué fansite item es el mejor? y agrega un comentario breve, indicando lo que te gusta del fansite que representa. Tus comentarios se reenviarán al administrador del fansite cuyo artículo hayas elegido. Así que esta también es tu oportunidad de mostrar agradecimiento al administrador del fansite. Tus comentarios se enviarán de forma anónima, por lo que si quieres que el administrador del fansite sepa el nombre de tu personaje, debes incluirlo en el comentario.
Los ganadores serán seleccionados al azar, sin embargo, también revisaremos los comentarios. Las entradas no deseadas o que contengan insultos serán descartadas.
El sorteo finalizará el 31 de marzo de 2023 a medianoche, CET. Asegúrese de enviar su voto a tiempo. Si se despierta el domingo 31 de marzo y aún no ha enviado su voto, habrá perdido su oportunidad para este año.
Entonces, dirígete a la sección de encuestas de inmediato. Tenga en cuenta que cada cuenta de Tibia solo puede participar una vez en la lotería y siempre que contenga un personaje de al menos nivel 75. No se requiere tiempo premium para participar.
El artículo del fansite se entregará al personaje de mayor nivel que haya alcanzado el nivel principal de una cuenta ganadora.
¡Buena suerte a todos!
Consulta los concursos que algunos fansites han preparado para ti. Haga clic en la imagen en la columna Su tarea. Te llevará directamente a la información detallada del concurso en el fansite.
Fansite Participante | Misión | Premios |
1. | Medieval Fansite Appreciation Day Poster
Dually y Litty quieren crear un cartel de estilo medieval para invitar a la gente a celebrar el Fansite Appreciation Day y necesitan tu ayuda para diseñarlo. ![]() Información del concurso disponible en inglés, español y portugués. |
1st Place:![]() ![]() 2nd Place: ![]() ![]() 3rd Place: ![]() ![]() |
2. | Hail to the Fansite Items
Tu tarea es crear una decoración de casa que combine con tu fansite item favorito. ![]() |
1st Place:![]() ![]() 2nd Place: ![]() ![]() 3rd Place: ![]() ![]() ![]() 4th Place: ![]() |
3. | Bingo!
3 Rondas: Round I: March 25 (18:00 CET) - March 28 (16:00 CET) Round II: April 1 (10:00 CEST) - April 4 (10:00 CEST) Round III: April 10 (02:00 CEST) - April 13 (02:00 CEST) ![]() |
El ganador de cada ronda recibirá:![]() ![]() |
4. |
Dragon's Hoard Contest
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La selección del premio se realizará mediante sorteo. 1st: Elegir entre: ![]() ![]() ![]() 2nd: Elección entre los 2 ítems restantes. 3rd: ítem restante. 4th: ![]() 5th: ![]() 6th: ![]() |
5. NabBot | NabBot Birthday Party Contests
![]() Las bases del concurso están disponibles en inglés, español, portugués y polaco. |
La selección del premio se realizará mediante sorteo. 1st: ![]() ![]() 2nd: ![]() + uno de éstos: ![]() ![]() ![]() 3rd: ![]() ![]() |
6. | Question Revival Contest V
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1st:![]() + Escoger entre ![]() ![]() 2nd: ![]() + el ítem restante. 3rd: ![]() ![]() ![]() 4th: ![]() ![]() |
7. | Good Bye Raffle
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Sorteo de 5x:![]() |
8. | Decoration for the FAD
![]() Toda la información del concurso está disponible en inglés y portugués. |
1st Place:![]() ![]() 2nd Place: ![]() ![]() 3rd Place: ![]() ![]() |
9. | Mount Up 2024!
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1st Place:![]() + Escoger entre: ![]() ![]() ![]() 2nd Place: ![]() + Escoger entre los 2 ítems restantes. 3rd Place: ![]() + ítem restante |
Ahora entregamos el testigo a los administradores de fansites. A algunos de ellos les gustaría presentarte sus sitios de fans con sus propias palabras:
Fansite Logo | ...words from the admin! | ....special info: |
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Tibia Duality is a Fansite dedicated to merging two sides of the Tibian community that are traditionally considered opposites: PvP and RPG. Our main objective is to create simple and easy to read guides for players who wish to improve their characters and also for those involved in wars. Originally, our content was exclusively in Spanish since we thought that few Fansites existed in this language. Eventually, we decided to translate our guides and tutorials to Portuguese manually. What we mean by this is that each post was checked by staff members that speak both languages to provide a clean and error-free translation. Our plan is to translate 100% of our content into English so that we can reach a broader community. Tibia Duality came to existence through the combined efforts of our Admin Meregirl, Spanish-Portuguese translator Ca Milla, English-Spanish translator Baby Skyelie, webmasters Alesba, Billy and Master Player, content creators Kriizs, Meowsiita and Pebblesz. We are proud and grateful to be allowed to be part of the community for the second year! | ![]() The Duality Doll was created by Makadamia. There’s 2 stages when you interact with the doll, a white poodle representing PvP and a black cat representing RPG. If you want a chance to win the Duality Doll, keep an eye on our contests! |
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Are you prepared to explore the enigmatic realm of Tibia? Your search ends at TibiaSecrets, a mysterious fansite that unveils the hidden secrets and mysteries of this fascinating universe. We recently revamped our site from scratch, enhancing your reading experience with faster load times and superior responsiveness. Each publication from TibiaSecrets brings to light new references, curiosities, and secrets that will captivate your imagination. Our Discord server stands as one of the largest and most active among all official fansites, serving as a thriving community for those eager to discover the hidden lore within Tibia. We warmly welcome you to join the discussion or simply have a good read. If you're passionate about such topics and dream of publishing your research or articles to reach a wider audience, you've come to the right place. We are open to collaboration with talented authors. We also organize unique competitions involving writing longer or shorter articles. Our team, comprising six members each with their unique skills and expertise, will be your guides on this intriguing journey into the unexplored corners of Tibia. The team includes co-founders and admins Bosst, Mogh, and Haishen, Portuguese Translator, seasoned mystery expert Elkolorado (also known as Vuuya), and Redactor/Mystery Expert Meadek. Are you ready to decode the mysteries and secrets of Tibia? Join us at TibiaSecrets and brace yourself to step into a world filled with intrigue, secrets, and puzzles that will exceed your wildest dreams. Seek for the truth, it's out there...on TibiaSecrets. | ![]() The Bonelord Tome stands as the magnum opus of the ancient artist Lupus Aurelius, who paid a steep price for the gift of immortality. Under the sway of the most formidable of Bonelords, he fashioned his life's masterpiece. Intrigued to learn more about this ancient volume? Dive into our article for further insights. |
![]() | is the largest Brazilian Tibian encyclopedia, a great collection of the knowledge of multiple contributors who have passed through the team over the years. It has become one of the largest fansites related to Tibia content, and is also the most accessed in Brazil. Its vast and rich amount of information, with countless pages of creature data, quest spoilers and even different tools on game subjects, really appeals to any type of player. The site has a page editing function, which allows anyone to add information directly to the page they are visiting. This way, ensuring that all Tibians can help and contribute with more knowledge, and consequently helping more and more players. Curious to find out what information, secrets or tools our site has? Be sure to visit TibiaWikiBR to check it out! | ![]() |
![]() | is a knowledge center for Tibia. It provides a board for players to ask and answer Tibia-related questions. The community votes on questions and answers to indicate which are interesting, and most importantly - correct! Everyone can easily ask their Tibia question on TibiaQA - registration is not required. The community plays a vital role on TibiaQA. They provide most of the content available on the site and even help with moderation tasks. Users who constantly provide high-quality content earn reputation points, which unlock more moderation privileges on the site. The site is maintained by Ellotris Guardian and four wonderful fansite helpers Camarluk, Xarkost Eilia, Shawtay and Tynusiiaa. If you enjoy asking and answering questions, you might also be interested in the contribution system run by TibiaQA. Collect enough reputation points, and you will receive the Omniscient Owl - fansite item of TibiaQA. | ![]() The Omniscient Owl was created as a part of the Fansite Item Design contest and introduced into the game with the Summer Update 2019. An owl is a symbol of wisdom, which makes it a perfect fit to represent a knowledge-centered fansite, such as TibiaQA. |
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NabBot started in March 2016, as a Discord bot for our guild's server Redd Alliance. It was developed by Galarzaa Fidera and Nezune. It started as a simple way for us to look up characters and guilds right from Discord. Nezune developed the first version of level up and deaths announcements, with NabBot's well-known random, often sarcastic messages. We continued adding all the features that our guild members needed. NabBot became an important part of our guild management. As it was open source at the time, more people started running their own versions of NabBot. In July 2018, NabBot was opened to the public, meaning you could just add the original NabBot without needing to run it on your computer. In fewer than 10 days it reached 100 Discord servers. Today, we have over 15,000 servers. We are working hard to bring you more features and improvements. Special thanks to Tschas for all his contributions in the development of NabBot, to Callie Aena for the amazing graphical designs and social media management, and to Sayuri Nowan for her advice and guidance on the game and the user’s needs. Join our Discord server to let us know what you would like NabBot to have and to know about the latest changes and developments. | ![]() Mini NabBot was created by Juh Mong, the winner of the Fansite Item Design Contest back in 2019. You can see it transform by using it. |
![]() | began to be created in 2016, by Super Amarelo. With the aim of being a news and articles website, BDT created its image as a Tibian newspaper, represented by the Journal Shield. Today we also have BDTCast, the BomdiaTibia podcast, which has 76 episodes. The team is made up of its founder, Super Amarelo, Bakugo, the image maker and translator, Elfo Fantasma, BDTCast interviewer and creator, and the current administrator, Bomdrax | ![]() To learn more about Journal Shield, our fansite item, read A História do Journal Shield. |
![]() | was founded by Kikix in 2014 with the purpose of bringing an innovative idea of providing information to Tibians through virtual magazines. We have been providing the Tibian community with articles of interest and entertainment that our magazine offers every month for 10 years, all of this is thanks to the people who have been part of us and our current team, which is made up of the Redactors: Alesita Sio, Nicollexz Meraki, Meowsiita, Nina Meow, Ryocrits, and the Community Manager: Malice. Currently administered by Amy Meow. We are happy that you enjoy reading the best Tibia magazine and being part of our community. Thank you! | ![]() The Midnight Panther Doll was created by Makadamia and it is the representation of Xena, our mascot. Do you want to know more about her? you can check it out in this article. |
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Tibia Live is an Android app for Tibia. It lets you track characters with login, level up and other notifications, get notified of upcoming raids, get notified of news and events, check guilds and houses, or just listen to the Tibia soundtrack. It includes tools, calculators, maps, and more. You can even use it to see mini world changes and check for Yasir. Wondering if you picked up your daily reward today? Don't lose sleep over your streak, you can check if you did right in the app, along with your offline training status. Tibia Live was created to be your connection to Tibia on the go, and keep you in the loop on both news and your friends' in-game progress. The entirety of development work is done by one person - Nohus, but a small circle of testers helps by providing feedback on unreleased features and translations. Ultimately the app aims to be as useful to the community as possible, so suggestions and comments are very welcome, join the Discord to discuss the app or just ask questions. | no fansite item |
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TibiaDraptor is a fansite that offers tools for tracking a player’s progress during their journey in Tibia. It tracks the progress for achievements, bestiary, bosstiary, quests, mounts and outfits. It also provides a way to show and share your progress with other players. TibiaDraptor was created by Storned and Charlotte Lisner, we develop the tools offered in the site and update them whenever there is new data to be shown. Our team is conformed by Master Player, who is in charge of managing our discord bot for the contests; Psykeeh, who is in charge of our Instagram page and Walder Martz, who help us to review and assign points in our challenges section. We also try to provide fun ways to complete your bestiary and bosstiary by organizing events every month. Don’t miss them! | ![]() The Draptor Doll was created by Makadamia. It has 2 stages that you can change at will when you interact with it. Join our monthly events and soon you will have one for yourself! |
![]() | is a fansite mainly focused on events/contests. Apart from many things Tibians can do on our website, the Tibia community can also make groups and earn points by doing several things on site! We are currently working on an activity system that allows an exchange of points to for a memory box. Every contest is created by our team which takes lots of time from sketch until the launch of the contest. Our team consists of 8 members who all have their own specialties. Thank you Ely Blademaster, Krisph Darkbane, Walder Martz, Leproso Marginado, Drapich, Paollah, Taoquey and Pebblesz for being part of the team! If you are interested in taking part in our team do not hesitate to apply on our website. | ![]() Always wanted to be photographer in Tibia? Then this is your chance, the latest camera is out now! |
![]() | is a new project entirely dedicated to house decorations in Tibia. Makadamia, together with the talented Norelli, publish for you regularly new content that will inspire you to create your own arrangements. You will find thematic articles dedicated to cities, selected themes and occasions, or those dedicated to the slightly more technical side of decorating houses full of tips and tricks to help players create their own beautiful places. The Items Guide - an intuitive catalogue for items and objects based on their graphics, where you can find information on selected items can also prove useful. Quest guides are also available, as a huge number of decorative items are those we can obtain by completing tasks for various NPCs. Something that sets this site apart is its creative part. DIY is a section where you will find tutorials for creating unique decorative elements composed of other items, such as carpets, columns, flower bouquets, or furniture. Stacks - are interestingly arranged stacks of items together to create an attractive looking whole. With such accents, you will make sure that nothing in your decoration will be accidental. In addition, you will also find Galleries full of inspiration decorated with graphics made with pixel art technique. You will get acquainted with the work of Decorators, who with their passion and ideas have been motivating players for years to create beautiful decorations. And for those particularly interested in specific creators - we have also prepared interesting Interviews, to let you know them even better. Have you just bought a house and have no idea how to decorate it? Do you want to stand out with unique elements and make players not pass indifferently by your Tibia house? Visit! | no fansite item |
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If you feel like venturing into the world of fantasy and getting acquainted with the artworks of players and fans of the Tibia game, or if you are an artist/hobbyist yourself and want to present your works to the world, is the place for it. The major goal of this project is to promote the work of Tibian artists, both professional and novice, who derive a lot of pleasure from creative activity. You will find a lot of fanart dedicated to Tibia, and impressive artwork prepared for competitions organized by different fansites. All gathered in the gallery full of artworks, and thanks to the tag system you can choose the theme or type of art you are interested in. In the artists section, you can select artists based on the category, and there are a lot of them - from illustrators to sculptors, creators of amigurumi dolls, and spriters. Each artist has a page dedicated to him, where we show his work and leave a contact to facilitate your direct communication. Tibia is a world of pixels, so a separate section is also dedicated to sprites created by players and fansite items they have designed. You'll also find an impressive collection of tattoos created by artists from around the world. The site has a separate section where you can download official graphics representing the game - from concept drawings of mounts to client backgrounds. is also an active social media, where we are happy to promote and share players' artwork! Visit us on Instagram and enjoy the beautiful, colorful, and full of passion fanart with us! | ![]() In Tibia, the site is represented by the yeti doll, created by's admin Makadamia. If you want to know the history of this inconspicuous mascot, read the article dedicated to the process of its creation. |
![]() | is a collection of tools aimed to enhance the Tibia gaming experience and boost characters. It provides essential features like the Hunt Finder, to search the best hunting spots for a character; the Exercise Weapons Calculator, to discover the price and time to advance skills; and the Party Finder, that lets you find other online players to share experience with. The platform also serves as an informational hub, providing the most important topics of the day, like active events, boosted creatures, mini world changes and imbuement prices. The content is curated and moderated by the community, where members can grow their reputations and unlock new privileges and rewards. It distinguishes itself by its user-friendly interface and innovative functionalities, making it an indispensable companion for Tibians seeking to optimize their strategies and gameplay. It's available in portuguese, english, polish and spanish. | ![]() |
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Created in 2021, was born as an idea to help players in different areas of Tibia with tips and guides in order to promote a better gaming experience. Currently TibiaLight consists of 836 posts on different topics like Quests, Bosses, Bestiary, Achievements, Decoration and other guides. We aim to test and keep up to date the tips with eventual game changes. We're currently working on a project to review and update the best places for bestiaries in this category of our website, feel free to make suggestions if there's a better place to find certain creatures, we appreciate your collaboration! We have a Fan Lore, a story created to contextualize the item on our fan site: The Gods' Twilight Doll, but we're not stopping there! We're getting ready to publish the second story called The Beggars' Dream World with a completely revitalized and modernized way of reading. To keep everything running we count on the contribution of admin Brighid Grand Explorateur, and editors Knight do Guga and Threchevon. At the moment it is accessible in Portuguese, if you are a Tibia player with Portuguese as your mother tongue, be sure to check out our fansite! | ![]() |
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Originally created with the intent of being kind of like a blog where we could post what we did ingame, has changed since then and has become one of the best fansites for update quest spoilers. This is all thanks to our team, current and former members alike, we all had a part in it. Our translators post Tibia news in Portuguese, our content creators regularly publish original content related to the game, and we have a big presence on social media too, on Facebook and Instagram, managed by our social media team. TibiaLife's goal is to help the community in any way we can. Some of our best pieces of content are called Descomplica, which usually explains how to do bestiaries, achievements, imbuements, etc. We believe we've built a good reputation within the community and none of it would have been possible without our extensive team of helpers who have been with us for a long time and even those who only stayed for a while. | ![]() The Adamant Shield, a beautiful creation by Makadamia, was forged in Kazordoon, by the legendary blacksmith Uzgod, with the help of Pydar. To know more, read our fanfic here. |
![]() | is one of the oldest and most well-known Brazilian fansites dedicated to Tibia. Created on October 24, 2002, under the name DarKSouLs, it was the first Tibia fansite in Portuguese and is still active today. In addition to the news portal, the DarKSouLs family also had a forum, which after several updates, continues as the portaltibia forum. Portal Tibia is a source of information about the game, covering updates, news, events, and interesting articles about Tibia. Additionally, it provides a discussion platform for players on its extensive forum. Over time, Portal Tibia has expanded to other platforms such as Instagram, Spotify, Facebook, and X (formerly known as Twitter), reaching even more players throughout Brazil. If you're a Portuguese-speaking Tibia player, Portal Tibia is definitely a site worth checking out. | ![]() |
¡Consulta nuestros supported y promoted fansites y disfruta de sus herramientas, artículos, guías, tutoriales, vídeos, arte, entretenimiento y todo el resto del contenido que ofrecen! ¡Participa y diviértete con la multitud!
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